The initial outcomes exploring recycled shredded paper enhanced through illumination. With a variety of coatings that have included traditional varnish, laqcuer, latex glaze & metallic powder techniques, I'm also experimenting with various blends of studio-made gluten podge as an alternative adhesive, reminicent of the classic flour paste that I was introduced to as a child.
Fetti Natural
Fetti Silver
Fetti Gold
I was drawn to the potential for this all-too-abundant waste product created by our society, and although much paper is recycled back into paper products, the shear volume of paper tells me that there is plenty that's simply discarded as trash.
These preliminary pieces have identified an incredible opportunity, and i'm really excited about the potential that this technique may reveal.
These Fetti Pendant Lights have been created over forms that originally were destined for the scrap heap or worse, shredded and disposed of as plastic waste. Originally as garbage bins, I secured an inventory from a business closure and I'm thrilled they have found a new, more elegant and interesting existance and in revealing an exceptionally beautiful and varied finish that I look forward to develop further.
Some of the ideas and applications that I'm currently investigating include:
For more information regarding Fetti application and commissions, contact Giles directly at:
The initiative encapsulates the practice where objects and materials are reclaimed, reimagined and reborn. Recycling and repurposing is in my studio DNA and yet has never compromised nor lessened the quality or successful outcome of any project. New materials and technologies are used when called for and always work symbiotically and sympathetically with reclaimed material. This emphasis has often revealed unexpected outcomes and at times presented entirely new and exciting avenues of exploration.
Effectively there are no materials limitations, although in keeping with the R3 spirit, the use of any environmentally sensitive materials is kept to a minimum if used at all.
“By exchanging our stories we also share our knowledge and imagination.”